Ann Musgrove


Dr. Ann Musgrove, Associate Professor, brings her background in instructional design and technology integration to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in Florida Atlantic University (FAU)’s College of Education (COE). She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in instructional technology.

Dr. Musgrove has a long history of service at FAU. In the COE she has held positions as a graduate assistant, visiting professor, and as an instructor for the Digital Education Teaching Academy. She has directed large federal teacher education grants to help high school and undergraduate students on their path to becoming teachers. Dr. Musgrove was part of a small team to establish the Center for eLearning at FAU where she helped faculty transition to the online teaching environment. She became an Instructor in the Department of Teaching and Learning in August 2014 and Assistant Professor in August 2015.

Her research focuses on best practice in online learning and cognitive styles. Two courses she has developed have been nationally recognized by Quality Matters. Dr Musgrove’s has an online teaching certificate from the Online Learning Consortium (formerly SloanC). Her academic publications include book chapters, articles in peer reviewed journals and a variety of presentations at local, state and international conferences.


  • Ed.D. Florida Atlantic University, Adult and Community Education
  • Ed.S. Florida Atlantic University, Educational Technology/Adult and Community Education/Leadership
  • M.Ed. Florida Atlantic University, Educational Foundations/Instructional Technology
  • B.S. Eckerd College, Biology
  • A.A. Northern Virginia Community College, General Studies

Ann Musgrove

Ann Musgrove

Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office Location: ED 47 - 319
Campus: Boca